If you missed it when we unveiled it earlier this year, be sure to check out Hoops Rumors' new Agency Database. Over the last several months, we have attempted to identify and confirm the representation for each current NBA player, as well as many players who have appeared in the league recently.
Our Agency Database can be found anytime on the right sidebar under the "Hoops Rumors Features" menu. It can also be sorted and filtered by player, team, and agency to easily find a variety of information. For instance, if you're interested in finding the representation for the players currently on the Knicks' roster, you can filter by team to create this list. Our data should, for the most part, be updated to reflect the latest offseason signings and trades.
As players change agencies, such as Monta Ellis recently opting to leave Jeff Fried of Peake Management Group for Dan Fegan of Relativity Sports, we note those moves in the database. We are continuing to work toward making the database 100% complete and accurate, so if you have any info on corrections or omissions, please email us at hoopsdatabase@gmail.com.