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To get us rolling, reader Z…. tells us why he thinks the Pacers scored big with their trade for Evan Turner:
- This is an amazing deal for the Pacers. They get scoring off the bench that they really needed, but more importantly, they added a young, athletic wing with length who should flourish in their defensive system, and should really contribute against the Heat, who desperately need an athletic wing themselves. It also gives them insurance for Lance Stephenson when they may not be able to keep him in the offseason.
Pau Gasol always seems to find himself in trade chatter, but the Lakers have yet to pull the trigger. In reaction to another batch of rumors about the four-time All-Star, dc21892 gives an explanation for why L.A. has been so hesitant to pull the trigger:
- Gasol wouldn’t be as scrutinized if he wasn’t being paid so much. He can still be a key contributor on a shorter deal, with less money in the offseason. L.A. is going to be looking at adding more star power to that roster, having a healthy Kobe on somewhat of a discount next year (compared to this year at least) and if they can retain Gasol for cheap, they’re in good shape. They also have a top draft pick.
The Cavs entertained trades for Luol Deng before the deadline, and Jon Zimmer, via Facebook, encouraged the Suns to get involved:
- The Suns should take a long look at this. Luol could be the upgrade they are looking for, and the Cavs would likely be willing to take back Emeka Okafor‘s expiring and one of their late picks to make it happen. Luol has a lot more left in him than Gasol, and the Cavs would be much less stubborn at the negotiating table than the Lakers.
We appreciate everyone who adds to the dialogue at Hoops Rumors, and we look forward to seeing more responses like these from you!