If you enjoy Hoops Rumors on your smartphone or tablet, be sure to check out our free Trade Rumors app!
Trade Rumors, available for iOS and Android, is the best way to consume our content on a mobile device. Here’s what it delivers, all for free:
- All the articles from Hoops Rumors, MLB Trade Rumors, Pro Football Rumors, and Pro Hockey Rumors in an easy-to-navigate, eye-catching format. Swipe through stories to quickly consume all the news and rumors from our four sites. Not into all four sports? No problem – any sport can be easily removed.
- Customize what you see. You can create feeds for any team or player across any of our sites.
- Notifications. For any team or player, you can set up push notifications to ensure you always get breaking news instantly. Notifications can also be set up at the sport level.
- Commenting. You can read and contribute comments on the app seamlessly.
- Customer service. If you find a bug, we’ll fix it. If you have a feature request, we’ll consider it. The app is continually evolving and improving.
- Did we mention Trade Rumors is a free app? What do you have to lose? Download it now!
I tried the app and it wasn’t as effective as the regular looked-up version. Just more empty space, and the top line of MENU to TEAMS wasnt there.
BTW I’m pretty impressed with the ease and ‘cleanliness’ of this site.
Tech/semantic question… what is the name of the type of the site’s regular version, as opposed to the version advertised above as the “APP” version? What does one call the non-app version?
I guess the non-app version would be the mobile version (on a phone) or the desktop version (on a computer).
Well now that you mention it. I clicked “request desktop version” from my browser and I see there’s much you’re holding back from the mobile! Nice offseason outlook section.
Can you guys make it so app users can click on links in the comment section? If someone replies to a question by posting a link to another website or even another article on the site it just shows up as link to Washingtonpost.com or whatever the site is.