The Jazz have released Eric Griffin, the team’s public relations department tweeted. The 27-year-old rookie was unloaded in order for the team to sign Erik McCree to a two-way contract.
[RELATED: Jazz sign Erik McCree to two-way deal]
Griffin has started 19 games with Utah’s G League affiliate so far this season, averaging 17.3 points and 5.2 rebounds per game for those Salt Lake City Stars.
Griffin was previously a training camp cut by the Heat, Mavs and Pistons in 2013, 2014 and 2015 respectively.
Big Man?
Agree. According to his bio, at 6’8″ and 198 lbs, it seems to be a stretch to consider him as a “Big Man”. Not a Center either so unclear how Big describes him.
That’s what she said.
The team press release refers to him as a center/forward. Which, in retrospect, you’re right, feels odd. I generally say “big man” if the player can play in the front court, regardless of their actual physical stature.
Doesn’t the NBA usually call them F/C instead of big man, though? Like the verbiage in the press release?