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Just checking…is sarcasm allowed?
Either way… awesome policy, look forward to spirited, healthy debate and exchanges about sports without being critical of players, agents, teams, the site, other commenters or the validity of the content.
And away we go!
Problem with sarcasm online is that it usually doesn’t read as sarcasm. It’s impossible to never be sarcastic, but all too often a sarcastic comment starts a thread that ends in insults and misunderstandings.
It’s good to see this. I grow tired of seeing some commenters called by others “fool,” “idiot,” “troll,” “moron,” and so on. The name-calling is often an indication that the name-caller really has nothing to add to the topic at issue, but still it is tiresome.
When humans can’t defend their position they resort to insults. When humans hear or read something they cannot comprehend or don’t agree with but cannot refute, they resort to insults. Once you understand this, life and social interaction are exponentially easier to deal with.
Very happy to see that flagging posters will be given the proper amount of attention.