NBA Continues To Report Zero New COVID-19 Cases Among Players

The NBA and its players union have issued another update on coronavirus testing taking place at the Walt Disney World campus in Florida, announcing today in a press release that there have been no confirmed positive coronavirus tests since the last update on July 29.

During that time, 343 players have been tested for COVID-19, according to today’s announcement. It’s the third consecutive update from the NBA and the NBPA that confirms there have been no new coronavirus cases among players at the Disney campus.

Since teams began arriving at the campus on July 7, only two coronavirus cases have been reported. Both occurred prior to July 13 and were caught before the affected players cleared quarantine, so the league’s protocols have worked exactly as intended so far.

Although the NBA must still get through a couple more months in Orlando, the fact that there has been no COVID-19 outbreak to date – or even a threat of an outbreak – is a very promising sign for the league as it looks to complete its 2019/20 season.

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